Zohar BodyMind Healing

A Divine Feminine Wisdom path; a sacred source from the heart of the mother.

It is our role as women of the 21st century to awaken and embody Her, the Sacred Feminine, the Divine Self dwelling within our body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is the time to go on a vision quest together in dreamtime to dream the dream of the Sacred Feminine and follow her home.

Blessings, Dina

"Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrongdoing there is a field, I'll meet you there."     - Rumi

The Zohar Path

The time is now to bring the feminine approach to healing and wholeness.

In the mystical path of Kabbalah we learn that Elohim is the Divine Feminine the Creator and that we are here to live an abundant life in every possible way.

You are invited to remember your soul commitment to draw from the deep well of wisdom and community. Draw the Wisdom of Mind, Body, and Heart, and align all through your unique Being and natural power.This invitation comes in the form of evolution of consciousness, honoring all of the wisdom tradition of old, and opening to new forms of spirituality that our souls and bodies are thirsting for.

With meditation practices with the body and mind, Shamanic healing journeys, movement and responsive touch, dance and ritual and with communion with the Sacred Earth, we penetrate into the vast knowledge and the vast healing powers of Nature, the Earth and our own body mind heart and soul. 

The natural flow of energy and peace is experienced as all the parts are integrated back in your Being. You  become once again One Whole and Holy.

Individual sessions

What we offer

Women Spirituality


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